Top iPad Cases for Travelling – ZUGU

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Top iPad Cases for Travelling

Pandemic related travel restrictions are finally at an end. It’s time to stick that iPad mini in your backpack, safely ensconced in an iPad mini case, and go off an adventure. But what are the top iPad cases for traveling, and what do you need to look at when you’re looking for a iPad case for your upcoming trip? Here we’ll look at some of the chief features of a good travel case, and then we’ll hone in on one case which we think is pretty much ideal for your international adventures.

What Will the Best iPad Case for Traveling Look Like? 

There are cases, and there are cases. Some are armored giants, designed so you could throw your iPad out of a helicopter and pick up unscathed from the ground. Unfortunately, these cases are typically bulky and awkwardly shaped— not something you’ll actually have any pleasure using. They also are ridiculously heavy, and when you’ve got a limited luggage allowance, that just doesn’t fly.

Go the other direction, and you find flimsy cheapo cases that cover your iPad, sure, but offer no protection whatsoever. Sometimes these cases can’t even protect themselves, and you’ll find yourself with a cover that looks three years old when you haven’t even used it a week. Not a good situation if you’re three days into an international trip, and won’t have access to decent stores for another month.

Here is a Wishlist to refer to when you go shopping for an iPad case. Ideally, you’ll want your case to:

  • Be lightweight. Okay, this won’t be featherlight, not with the other requirements from our Wishlist, but a case shouldn’t increase the weight of your iPad drastically. If you’ve got an iPad mini for small form factor, you’ll want your iPad mini leather case to be no heavier than 8 ounces. For a 10.2 inch iPad, keep the case weight below fourteen or fifteen ounces. If you’ve got a hefty iPad Pro 12.9 you might need a little extra padding, but we still advise keeping the case weight to under 20 ounces. 
  • Be protective. You don’t have any plans to drop your iPad out of that helicopter window, but the chances that it will one day go flying and hit the ground from four feet up are pretty high. Find a case that has been tested to military standards; one that has had some extensive drop testing and passed all tests with flying colors.
  • Be flexible. At home, you might rotate between two or three favorite spots— your bed, the couch, the kitchen table. When you’re traveling, you’ll be using your iPad in many different places. An iPad mini 6 leather case with two angle options might be fine for home use, but if you’re taking it on a trip, try to find something that lets you do more. Four or five angles, maybe. Magnetic mounts are cool, too, but not many cases offer these. 
  • Be durable. We’ve touched on this before, but you don’t want to be buying a case that won’t last the duration of your trip. This is one feature that won’t come through in the product listing, but you can get a pretty good idea of durability by reading reviews. If you see a bunch of dissatisfied customers all complaining about wear and tear on a leather iPad mini 6 case, you want to be looking elsewhere.
  • Be ergonomic. If you use your iPad extensively while traveling, it’ll be often in your hand. Choose an iPad case that feels good to your grasp: nothing too slick, nothing too squishy. A mock leather iPad mini 6 case may be a good choice for traveling, or try textured TPU.

The Best iPad Case for Traveling

Now that you’ve got your Wishlist, you’re ready to start shopping for the best iPad case for traveling!  There are a number of ways you can go about this. One favorite is Amazon; type in leather case iPad mini (or whatever your preferred keywords are) and ask the retail giant to order your results by rating. Tip: don’t even look at anything that has less than four stars; it’s not likely to meet your standards.

Want our recommendation for the best iPad case for traveling? We may be biased, but the Zugu range of iPad cases is our top favorite when it comes to travel covers for the iPad. They meet all of the requirements of our Wishlist, and then some. 

Lightweight? Check check. The iPad mini case weighs just 7.65 ounces and adds hardly any bulk to your device. Cases designed for larger iPads all do weigh a little more— you need more material to cover a larger iPad— but they’re all nicely within range.

Related Reading: Camping with an iPad: Tips and Tricks

Protective? Very much so. The Zugu case has been tested to protect the iPad reliably for five feet falls, and boasts military spec protection. In fact, the team at Zugu is so sure that their cover will protect your device they offer to pay your AppleCare bills if your covered device breaks when it’s in their case.

Flexibility? This case doesn’t offer just four or five angles, it ramped that all the way up to 10. Setup your iPad with any angle you want, and the stand will keep it secured. If you’ve got a magnetic surface, the built-in magnets can also be used to hold it up there securely. 

What about durability? The Zugu case has five star ratings on Amazon, and a glance through them shows that customers are very happy with the performance of their cases over time. This is definitely a case that will outlast your trip.

Last item— ergonomics. The Zugu case wins here too, with a nice textured TPU that both looks good and feels good in your hand.

Want a quick, reliable solution for that trip that is coming up soon? You can’t do better than a Zugu case.