Why Your Student Needs An iPad For School – ZUGU

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Why Your Student Needs An iPad For School

We can’t escape technology; it’s everywhere, and only getting more integrated in our lives. If you have a child in school, odds are they are learning to type or type up most of their school work. They probably have a flash drive and need the internet to research assignments. Your student more than likely uses their computer or tablet everyday. Having the right tools, like a tablet, the right accessories and protection for your investment, like iPad cases or pencils will make all the difference.

Below are our top seven reasons why your student needs an iPad for school.

Taking notes

Most of us type faster than we write and, these days, kids don’t write anymore to develop legible handwriting. Furthermore, it’s easy to copy and paste from your notes into an essay assigned or other homework assignment. For typing on the iPad, you can use a Smart Keyboard Folio or Smart Keyboard from Apple, which are real keyboards that connect seamlessly to your iPad Pro. Other Bluetooth keyboards are compatible with the iPad as well. Another option is to utilize the built-in virtual keyboard option on the iPad and learn keyboard shortcuts to make your work more efficient.


Odds are most of your child’s homework will need to be typed. From term papers to essays and descriptions, teachers prefer typed over written work for legibility purposes. Moreover, with an iPad Pro 11 case, it’s easy for your child to organize all of his or her school subjects. Either using Google Drive or other online applications, your student can create folders for every subject, eliminating loss and late work.


Research is key in school. You don’t know something? What do you do? You Google. So does your student. From deciding what project to do in science class to discovering how America changed when JFK was shot, your child will need access to the internet. And you probably don’t want to part with your iPad Pro 12.9 Case. Great for smaller hands and convenient size for backpacks, an iPad is perfect for transport to and from school.

School Communications

The apps have spoken and probably your child’s school communicates through an online app. This is an easy way for your child to check his or her grades, read newsletters on the school happenings, and check assignment due dates. All of this is available at the touch of a button on an iPad.


Classic day planners of old are as dusty as your photo albums. Kids nowadays use online calendars for all their appointments and to plan their days and homework. With reminder capabilities, online planners and apps are the only language your child speaks.

Social Media

Like it or not, social media is here to stay. And your child doesn’t know life without it. With an iPad, your child can easily update Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. He or she can chat his or her friends and keep up with his or her favorite football team.

Mental break

With so much bombarding our kids, they need a mental break as much as we do. Having an iPad makes playing video games and taking photos easy. He or she can search the Internet mindlessly and even watch a favorite movie or TV show episode during their off periods or during lunch.

Related Reading: Apple's Back to School Deal Is Happening Now - Here’s How to Take Advantage Before It’s Too Late

Does your student use an iPad for any or all of these functions in their daily life? Let us know in the comments below! If you’re a parent looking for more ways to use your iPad to its fullest potential, check out Best Uses of iPads for Parents and let us know if you have any other great uses for your iPad that we missed!